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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Joys of Chruch Planting!

The last year and a half of my life has been immersed in planting a church. Not an easy task to say the least.  It has been an adventure full of disappointments, frustrations and triumphs.  The challenge of church planting was not something I was fully prepared for, yet it has been richly rewarding.  Several amazing things have happed in the last few months that could only have been orchestrated by the hand of God. Allow me to share them with you not as a means of gloating or bragging, but to humbly acknowledge that we serve an amazing and sovereign God.  And if you are a church planter or part of a church planting team, hopefully this will be a means of encouragement.

After much preparation and very little success in recruiting people to buy into our vision and love for church planting, the nine of us that made up the core team of New Beginnings Christian Ministries decided that rather than a public launch we would just launch out of my home on Sunday mornings.  We had already had several unsuccessful “trial” services along the way, but on Sunday, September 4, 2011, NBC Ministries was official launched out what we called “The Living Room” with a total of 19 people in attendance.  For the next four weeks we averaged 15 people.  Yet, even with low attendance numbers there was a sense of excitement in the air that God was about to do something amazing.  At the end of September I placed an add in a small local paper advertising our services.  Two weeks later ten visitors showed up and the majority of them stayed!! At that point we were averaging about 25 people and my little living room became jam-packed!

Here is where this gets even more exciting for us.  We were now in need of a building.  However, I was having trouble locating one in our area that was big enough for what we wanted to do, yet affordable.  Of course God already had the right building for us, we just didn’t know it yet.  About the middle of October I was having lunch with Barry Pinnix, one of the new families that showed up as a result of placing that add in the Byram Banner.  After lunch Barry said, “Come on I want to show you something.”  He drove me over to a building that was located on his property.  He preceded to tell me that he had no idea if NBC Ministries would be interested in this building or not, but he and his wife had been praying and they both felt that God wanted them to let NBC Ministries use it rent-free as long as we needed it! It is a building that could easily seat 85-90 people comfortably.   Needless to say, NBC Ministries gladly accepted the new building!! Wow! God had just provided us with about 10 new people to help us with this vision and he directed one of those families to provide us with the building to house our new growth!  God is awesome!

On Sunday, November 13, 2011 we had 26 people in attendance. Three of those people were first time visitors.  Following the morning service we had our second and final meeting for our first membership class.  Nine people committed to become members of NBC Ministries. And one of those was a homeless guy!  This to me is one of the most amazing parts of our story, because this was a part of our vision from the start.  We desire to be a church that is active in our community and is proactive in loving “The Least of these”.  So how cool is it that one of our church members went down town to pick up a homeless man we had been ministering too, and on his first Sunday with us we happen to have our first membership class, and now one of our very first members is a homeless man? That’s pretty cool! Nothing thrills my heart more than that!  As a pastor it is so exciting to be able to see the vision that God has given me and this core team come to fruition! 

I have no doubt that there will be more bumps and frustrations along the way as we continue to grow and reach the Jackson area for Christ.  We do have an enemy that does not want to see the church succeed (John 10:10). However, I also have no doubt that God will continue to add to our number daily those who are being saved (Acts 2:47), and he will continue to do amazing signs and wonders among our group creating moments of “Awe” like the first century church encountered as they were planting churches (Acts 2:43). 

The greatest lesson I have learned from church planting is simply - obedience! When God tells you to act on something then act on it! He is always faithful to fulfill his promises! And I am thankful for all of those on the core team who have been obedient to God’s call, and who have prayed, fought for and believed in this vision! So I say thank you to each of you – you know who you are! I love you and I am proud to serve along side of you!

Doing life together in Jesus’ name!  - Simple Pastor Tim Burnett

Friday, August 5, 2011

Just Go With It

Ok, so it's been awhile since I have posted something.  I thought the 3 people who actually read this blog might actually like something new.  So here it is.

I am in the process of planting a church, which I am discovering is not an easy task.  Not that I thought it would be, but I was hoping for less difficult.  If anything, I think it has increased my faith.  I have learned the phrase, "Just go With It."  Case in point, last month we were scheduled to have our second public service prior to our launch, in a public school cafeteria.  The band worked hard on learning all songs, each core member had rehearsed whatever their particular task was in order to welcome any new comers who might be in attendance.  We made up flyers and printed them off and handed them out to anyone who would take one in hopes that even one visitor would show up.  We prayed and invited. We were so excited and knew that God was going to do something big that day.  Hopefully, he was going to bring someone to salvation and increase our numbers as we were looking to launch. I did not realize what he had in store for us on that humid, summer morn.

The service was scheduled for 10:30 AM at a local elementary school.  I told the team to all be there by 8:30 so that we could set up and the band could rehearse.  I had secured everything with the school.  I paid the $300 and and we were set.  I arrived at about 8:15 in order to greet all the team members as they showed up.  I noticed that they gates were locked up.  However, no fear because they weren't supposed to be there until 8:30 to let us in.  Gradually, my team made its way to the school.  However, those who were supposed to unlock the gate had failed to show.  5 minutes went by, then 10, then 15, now I was beginning to get really nervous.  Finally, after about an hour in the heat we got a hold of somebody who said they were "on their way".  Now we only had one hour till church began.  We would hardly have time to set up let alone practice. But we said we would "just go with it" and allow God to do something amazing even if we were unprepared.  Another 15, then 30 minutes went by and still no one showed.  We finally got someone on the phone who told us that no one would be there to let us in!!  Ugh! I had 15 people standing outside, sweating like crazy, ready to transform the school into a sanctuary to worship God and we can't get in.

So now what? I guess this is where great leaders are made (or fail miserably).  I told everyone to head to my house.  I left Michael posted at the gates for awhile in case a visitor showed up to explain what happened and to send them our way.  We all got to the house and I stepped back as I watched my team (with joy and and smile on their face) transform my living room into a sanctuary.  Candles were everywhere, the band went acoustic and my TV became our screen.  And you know what? IT ROCKED!  The service was amazing.  We had a time of worship through song, communion and God's Word.  It was very intimate and the Holy Spirit was present leading us every step of the way!

So, why do I share this with you.  Actually, I think I posted it more for me than for anyone else.  I was reminded that hot Sunday morning, that no matter what well laid plans you might have, things can always go wrong.  However, God does not!  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  So next time you experience something less that what YOU planned, "Just Go With It" because it might be better that anything you could have ever dreamed up!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


The other day I posted the video of a trailer about a film on poverty in Kenya called, This Is My Normal.  And like many of you, I have watched dozen of similar videos, seen pictures or read articles that make us aware of the horrific conditions around the world.  And again like you, they break my heart, move me to prayer and cause me to probe my checkbook ledger to see where my funds are really going.

Then I move onto other things.  You know, life, work, school,  And within a few hours those pictures of the slums of Kenya, or the drug addicts and prostitutes in my own backyard escape my memory, at least until the next video comes across my laptop.

So here is my question:  How do we balance these two? Is there a healthy balance between these two dichotomies? What can I do as an affluent American (well, down right rich American when you realize what the rest of the world lives on daily) to live the life that I have been given here in America but yet still be involved in the plight of the poor, downcast and hurting?  What is that balance? Seriously, what it is?  I'm asking you cause I'm not sure.  For example, I was kid free for part of this weekend (which is a rare thing since I'm a full-time single dad with 3 kids ages 7-14), so I took my MacBook, my Bible (one of 13 different translations I have on my shelf), my smart phone, a notepad, a pen and worked on a sermon while listening to one of 600+ bands I have on my MP3 player, while at Waffle House eating a breakfast big enough to feed a village in Africa.  Yet, 20,000 children will die tonight because they don't have drinkable water.  Wow!

So, should I feel guilty?  Should I do nothing?  Should I fast from breakfast and send that money to a country who needs it?  The answer may be yes to all of those. Or, is there a balance?  Because I don't now how to not live my life here in Mississippi.  Don't get me wrong, I believe in sacrifice.  Jesus said take up your cross and follow me.  Really? Do we read that part of our Bible?  Would we do anything for Jesus?  Give up family, friends, Starbucks, computers, blogs, music, house, cars for Jesus?  I want to believe that I would.  I do know Jesus has called me to plant a church in Jackson, MS.  And you know what? I don't really want to.  I would rather live anywhere but Jackson, MS (well until I see videos of Nairobi, Kenya).  No one wants to commit to a church plant, its hard work, very discouraging at times and it doesn't pay much.  Then I am reminded of what I have.  Not just the monetary stuff, but the love of Jesus.  Salvation.  A gift.  So, then its all worth it.  Actually, its really not a sacrifice at all when you consider what He has sacrificed for me!

Okay....I digress.  Back to balance.  So, now what? Can I balance both?  It seems so overwhelming.  But it's possible.  Start small.  Here are a few things my kids and I have done or are doing: As a family adopt a child from a third world country through WorldVision or Compassion International.  Quit buying $4 coffees and put that money away for a whole year then give it to someone in need.  Volunteer at a local shelter.  Take a trip to a developing county instead of going on an expensive family vacation one year (no, you don't have to give up all family vacations.....balance, remember).  These are just some things, and they don't guarantee to eliminate all guilt, but it's a start.  But most importantly, pray and be open to God.  I mean really pray and really listen to him.  If he calls you to do something big or small then be obedient.  To me that's the key to balance: obedience.  Simply be obedient to what God wants you to do.  When you do that then maybe you can have a greasy $8 breakfast with all of your electronics in hand - Guilt Free!

Let me know your thoughts on balance.  What do you do for a healthy balance?  I need help!

Thanks.....Simple Pastor Tim

Monday, May 23, 2011

Grace House

On Sunday May 22nd, my little church plant went into the heart of downtown Jackson to serve the least of these. This was our second time to go back to a place called Grace House, which is a transitional home for those with HIV/AIDS. Our mission was simple: Just love on people! And we succeeded. We had a cook out, played volleyball and lead them in a time of worship! It was amazing and the Spirit of God was there!

However, I am also a little disturbed. No, not because the residents have made poor choices and now they suffer from an incurable disease, although that is heartbreaking. No, I'm disturbed because the director told me that very few "Christians" will even come to Grace House. "They are afraid," she said. She told me that some of them want to bring food by (I guess this is some ritual to help ease the guilt of not actually loving others) but they will set it on the doorstep, ring the doorbell and then run back to their car, hoping that no one will see them, (or touch them). Sad. Very sad.

I am so glad that our savior doesn't treat us that way. That Jesus doesn't see our sin and our disease (our leprosy) and say, "Well, I'll just pray for them and love them from a far." No, our Jesus loved, touched, healed, laughed, cried, and even partied with wretched sinners!

Church, it is time the church started acting like the church. It's time we quit thinking of ourselves, and just simply love people the way Jesus would. After all, Jesus left the splendor of heaven to became like nothing!

Oh and by the can't catch AIDS by hugging or shaking hands with someone....Just saying!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bird Lessons

The other day I was sitting on my back porch working away on my laptop, as I am now, and I learned a valuable lesson about serving "the least of these" by watching a beautiful family of birds.

A few years ago I was given a gift, a little "Alabama" birdhouse (I'm a huge Alabama football fan so this was a cherished gift, even if I don't like birds). I proudly hung this birdhouse out on my back porch for decoration, never once entertaining the thought that a family of birds might actually take up residence there (I know...I'm a little slow).

Anyway, as I was typing away on whatever important task I was on at the moment, I couldn't help but notice that a bird kept nervously flying back and forth above my head. Finally, it found the courage to land on the post outside of the birdhouse resting just inches from where I was sitting. Once it landed, I could hear a chorus of baby birds begin screaming for their breakfast. For a man who isn't a huge animal enthusiast (although, I do love my dog), I was suddenly fascinated by this mother bird caring for her three little baby birds. I watched for over an hour as this mother would fly away looking for a piece of breakfast to bring back to her babies. She must have done this 50 times! And each time she would land on that little post in front of the hole of the birdhouse I could see the babies all open their beaks wide just waiting with anticipation for whatever delight mother would bring back. Each time she landed they would get so excited and be begin screaming for more. Momma would feed one of them and then fly off the get more breakfast for another baby, seeming to never tire in this process.

As I watched this mother care for her birds, I wandered if we really care enough to feed those who are hungry both physically and spiritually, as this mother bird cares for her babes. Take a look around you and you will see many who are screaming with their mouths wide open saying, "Notice me..., I'm hungry, I'm hurting, I'm wounded, I'm desperate." This mother bird never stopped feeding her babies. I'm sure she tired at times, but she understood that her number one responsibility was to care for her young; who are weak, immature, poor, and not yet ready to fend for themselves. This is what Jesus has called us to. This is our responsibility. This is ministry. Simple ministry. Yes, it is hard and tiring at times and many will never appreciate what we do. But we have to continue to love, feed and care for the least of these. After all, this is what being a Christ-follower is all about!

Let's learn from this beautiful family of birds what it means to care for others!

Oh and by the way, the whole time this mother was feeding her young, the "Father" was perched a few feet away on my kid's swing set watching my every move. Hmm.......


I'm Back!

Hello fellow Bloggers! I am back! It has been about two years since my last post (sorry of the delay). A lot has happened in my life since my last post. And I hope to share some of that with you! I also hope that we can share some things together as we all share life experiences and how we can live life to the fullest, loving God with everything that is within us and serving the least of these! So keep watching for daily or weekly posts! And let me know your thoughts or opinions, no mater what's on you mind.

I'm glad to be back!

Love ya, Pastor Tim