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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One More Thought

Brennan talks about his battle with alcoholism, and how that disease meant failure with no redeeming aspect whatsoever. Listen to his words after he began to "live out of the center" (meaning his life lived in the center of Christ).

"But living out of the center has taught me that every failure succeeds in some way. It provides the opportunity not only to humble the self but also to be gentle with the failures of others. If your life or mine was an untarnished success story, an unbroken upward spiral toward holiness, we might never come to understand the human heart." - Brennan Manning

Wow! How cool is that? I am thankful for my failures! So that I might be able to better understand my life in Christ. And I will be able to be more gentle with the failure of others.

Lord Jesus, thank you my failures. And may I be a little more like you each day as I live out of the center.

Humbly, Tim

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Truly Close Encounter

"Christianity was no longer simply a moral code but a love affair, the thrill, the excitement, the incredible passionate joy of being loved and falling in love with Jesus Christ." - Brennan Manning, The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus

Those were the words of Brennan Manning after a real and life-changing encounter with Jesus. Have you had one? I don't mean do you go to church or do you know who Jesus is? But have you truly encountered him and realize that now you can live life to the fullest. Jesus is not just a set of rules he is life! As the Apostle Paul says over 160 times in his epistles, we should each live our lives "in-Christ". Our emotions are his emotions, our sleep is his sleep, our play time is his play time, our life is his life. Jesus is thrilling, exciting and life-changing. So embrace him and give him your whole life not part of it!

Pastor Tim