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Friday, August 5, 2011

Just Go With It

Ok, so it's been awhile since I have posted something.  I thought the 3 people who actually read this blog might actually like something new.  So here it is.

I am in the process of planting a church, which I am discovering is not an easy task.  Not that I thought it would be, but I was hoping for less difficult.  If anything, I think it has increased my faith.  I have learned the phrase, "Just go With It."  Case in point, last month we were scheduled to have our second public service prior to our launch, in a public school cafeteria.  The band worked hard on learning all songs, each core member had rehearsed whatever their particular task was in order to welcome any new comers who might be in attendance.  We made up flyers and printed them off and handed them out to anyone who would take one in hopes that even one visitor would show up.  We prayed and invited. We were so excited and knew that God was going to do something big that day.  Hopefully, he was going to bring someone to salvation and increase our numbers as we were looking to launch. I did not realize what he had in store for us on that humid, summer morn.

The service was scheduled for 10:30 AM at a local elementary school.  I told the team to all be there by 8:30 so that we could set up and the band could rehearse.  I had secured everything with the school.  I paid the $300 and and we were set.  I arrived at about 8:15 in order to greet all the team members as they showed up.  I noticed that they gates were locked up.  However, no fear because they weren't supposed to be there until 8:30 to let us in.  Gradually, my team made its way to the school.  However, those who were supposed to unlock the gate had failed to show.  5 minutes went by, then 10, then 15, now I was beginning to get really nervous.  Finally, after about an hour in the heat we got a hold of somebody who said they were "on their way".  Now we only had one hour till church began.  We would hardly have time to set up let alone practice. But we said we would "just go with it" and allow God to do something amazing even if we were unprepared.  Another 15, then 30 minutes went by and still no one showed.  We finally got someone on the phone who told us that no one would be there to let us in!!  Ugh! I had 15 people standing outside, sweating like crazy, ready to transform the school into a sanctuary to worship God and we can't get in.

So now what? I guess this is where great leaders are made (or fail miserably).  I told everyone to head to my house.  I left Michael posted at the gates for awhile in case a visitor showed up to explain what happened and to send them our way.  We all got to the house and I stepped back as I watched my team (with joy and and smile on their face) transform my living room into a sanctuary.  Candles were everywhere, the band went acoustic and my TV became our screen.  And you know what? IT ROCKED!  The service was amazing.  We had a time of worship through song, communion and God's Word.  It was very intimate and the Holy Spirit was present leading us every step of the way!

So, why do I share this with you.  Actually, I think I posted it more for me than for anyone else.  I was reminded that hot Sunday morning, that no matter what well laid plans you might have, things can always go wrong.  However, God does not!  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  So next time you experience something less that what YOU planned, "Just Go With It" because it might be better that anything you could have ever dreamed up!