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Monday, November 24, 2008

Life Is Hard

Life. At times it can be hard, difficult, frustrating, maddening, sad and beautiful. Some call it a mystery. However, it is what it is. And the real question is what are we going to do with this life? We know there will be good times and bad times. Jesus tells us in John 16:33, “…Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” What comforting words. No matter what cards you are dealt in life, no matter how hard things may get, we can still find peace. We can still take heart, because no matter the situation, the failure, the heartbreak or the pain Jesus has already overcome it. Wow, that is powerful!

Do you know that God really does love you and cares about you? Now, I’m not just saying that because I am a pastor and that is the right thing to say. I say that from experience. I know it to be true because I have felt it and experienced it in my darkest times. When no other human words or touch could suffice, God’s gentle, yet firm arms embraced me and I experienced peace. He cares about what you are facing and what you are going through. And actually he wants the best for your life. John 10:10 says that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus says I come to give life and give it to the fullest.

The holy Trinity is vastly aware of the spiritual struggles and temptations we battle on a daily basis. We are at war, no doubt. But through it all we have a God we can trust. One who loves us and even one who can relate to our suffering, abandonment and temptations. My dad has a framed, rather crude, hand written (or scribbled) picture on his office wall from a 5 or 6 year old boy that reads, “Life is hard sometimes dad, but when you’re around it’s not.” You see, I gave that to my dad some 30 years ago. I wrote it from my heart one day and simple told him how I felt. Already at age 5 or 6, I understood there to be disappointment and hurt in the world, but I know that my father was there to see me through many of the bruises, cuts, tears, heartbreaks and disappointments that life had to offer (and he still does by the way). And of course, the same is true of our heavenly Father. Life is hard, real hard sometimes, but when He is around (which is all of the time), He is there to love us, shepherd us, discipline us and care for us. We just need to stop and take the time to tell him how thankful we are and that we loved. Who knows, He might even hang it on His heavenly wall!


Pastor Tim


Wayne Miller said...

Hello Pastor Tim! It's good to see that your blog is back! And with another great article at that. I have watched you suffer through some hard times and I admire you for never losing your faith in God. You walk the walk. I love you brother

Todd Prickett said...

Ahhh...there is that eternal reward for those who diligently seek, true peace for those who find, unspeakable joy for those who experience Him who rides upon the clouds and reins forever and whose Kingdom shall have no end!!!