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Friday, May 20, 2011

Bird Lessons

The other day I was sitting on my back porch working away on my laptop, as I am now, and I learned a valuable lesson about serving "the least of these" by watching a beautiful family of birds.

A few years ago I was given a gift, a little "Alabama" birdhouse (I'm a huge Alabama football fan so this was a cherished gift, even if I don't like birds). I proudly hung this birdhouse out on my back porch for decoration, never once entertaining the thought that a family of birds might actually take up residence there (I know...I'm a little slow).

Anyway, as I was typing away on whatever important task I was on at the moment, I couldn't help but notice that a bird kept nervously flying back and forth above my head. Finally, it found the courage to land on the post outside of the birdhouse resting just inches from where I was sitting. Once it landed, I could hear a chorus of baby birds begin screaming for their breakfast. For a man who isn't a huge animal enthusiast (although, I do love my dog), I was suddenly fascinated by this mother bird caring for her three little baby birds. I watched for over an hour as this mother would fly away looking for a piece of breakfast to bring back to her babies. She must have done this 50 times! And each time she would land on that little post in front of the hole of the birdhouse I could see the babies all open their beaks wide just waiting with anticipation for whatever delight mother would bring back. Each time she landed they would get so excited and be begin screaming for more. Momma would feed one of them and then fly off the get more breakfast for another baby, seeming to never tire in this process.

As I watched this mother care for her birds, I wandered if we really care enough to feed those who are hungry both physically and spiritually, as this mother bird cares for her babes. Take a look around you and you will see many who are screaming with their mouths wide open saying, "Notice me..., I'm hungry, I'm hurting, I'm wounded, I'm desperate." This mother bird never stopped feeding her babies. I'm sure she tired at times, but she understood that her number one responsibility was to care for her young; who are weak, immature, poor, and not yet ready to fend for themselves. This is what Jesus has called us to. This is our responsibility. This is ministry. Simple ministry. Yes, it is hard and tiring at times and many will never appreciate what we do. But we have to continue to love, feed and care for the least of these. After all, this is what being a Christ-follower is all about!

Let's learn from this beautiful family of birds what it means to care for others!

Oh and by the way, the whole time this mother was feeding her young, the "Father" was perched a few feet away on my kid's swing set watching my every move. Hmm.......



One Righteous Babe said...

That was cool Tim :)

Jesseknowseverything said...

Yea i think it's easy for believers to be waaaaaayyy more concerned about getting fed rather than helping feed others, spiritually and physically- and sometimes both at the same time. Seriously: u got $5 dollars and your hungry and there's a homeless guy sitting at the off ramp with his sign- get u some lunch? Or get him some lunch and tell him that Jesus cares about him?.......
Anyway, nice post pastor!