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Monday, May 23, 2011

Grace House

On Sunday May 22nd, my little church plant went into the heart of downtown Jackson to serve the least of these. This was our second time to go back to a place called Grace House, which is a transitional home for those with HIV/AIDS. Our mission was simple: Just love on people! And we succeeded. We had a cook out, played volleyball and lead them in a time of worship! It was amazing and the Spirit of God was there!

However, I am also a little disturbed. No, not because the residents have made poor choices and now they suffer from an incurable disease, although that is heartbreaking. No, I'm disturbed because the director told me that very few "Christians" will even come to Grace House. "They are afraid," she said. She told me that some of them want to bring food by (I guess this is some ritual to help ease the guilt of not actually loving others) but they will set it on the doorstep, ring the doorbell and then run back to their car, hoping that no one will see them, (or touch them). Sad. Very sad.

I am so glad that our savior doesn't treat us that way. That Jesus doesn't see our sin and our disease (our leprosy) and say, "Well, I'll just pray for them and love them from a far." No, our Jesus loved, touched, healed, laughed, cried, and even partied with wretched sinners!

Church, it is time the church started acting like the church. It's time we quit thinking of ourselves, and just simply love people the way Jesus would. After all, Jesus left the splendor of heaven to became like nothing!

Oh and by the can't catch AIDS by hugging or shaking hands with someone....Just saying!


Unknown said...

They so much want love and acceptance, not rejection. I noticed several times yesterday that some of the residents were craving human touch...just a high five (during volleyball when we made a good play) or a hug. One woman clung to me when I hugged her. Another woman hesitated when I reached out to help her up when she had fallen during the me holding her hand was something that wasn't familiar to her. They also want conversation and relationship. It was an incredible afternoon! I can't wait to go back!!

Unknown said...

very cool

One Righteous Babe said...

I loved loving on all of those people! They're all so beautiful. It's by the grace of God that WE don't have HIV/AIDS. I mean he could've blinked one eye and we could've been BORN with it in Africa or something.

kknight-10 said...

I as the Bass player for N.B.C.'s praise team also played in many secular bands.I will never forget that day,playing for them,there response to our music through Christ.Pastor Tim rocking on the drums and we looked at each other between songs and he said to me..This is better than any secular gig we could ever play,because God's hand is on it.I agreed instantly with a smile .It just felt right and good.I had the best time,talking,hugging and joking with the patients.It's never to late to find something new about ourselves and what we have to offer to the world and the people in it.Step out of your comfort zone and go where Christ leads you,or better yet where he commands you.Thanks for touching my heart Grace House.We love you and WE will be back....GOD bless!